Unemployment Insurance and ReEmployCT Basics
Filing a New or Weekly Unemployment Claim

Create User ID and Password

Locked Out of Your ReEmployCT Account – Self Heal Process

Locked Out of Your Account – Ask for Help

Request a Call Back from an CCC Agent
- allows Claimants to request Call Back if there are no available CCC Agents or
- •if Claimant wants to be contacted by a CCC Agent

Work Search Waiver
Exemptions from Work Search Requirements
A claimant is exempt from work search requirements if they meet any of the following conditions:
- They are a member of a Trade Union and connected to a Union Hiring Hall.
- They have a Return to Work date within thirteen (13) weeks of filing their initial Unemployment Claim.
- They have obtained a new job that starts within thirteen (13) weeks of the Claim Start Date.
File Claim Continuation Screen:
To be exempt, the claimant must:
- Answer YES to “Are you a construction worker?”
- Provide the NCCI code for the associated trade (drop-down list)
- Answer YES to “Are you a member of a trade union?”
If the claimant answers these questions correctly, they are omitted from the Work Search Requirement.

National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI): Class codes are four digits that help identify the type of work. Insurance companies use Class codes to estimate exposure to risk while determining workers’ compensation insurance.
Work Search Waiver (Verification of Correct Entries)
From Claim Summary screen
Claim Details section:
- Construction Worker - Yes
- NCCI Code - Completed
- Trade Union Member - Yes

Consumer Contact Center is a direct link for Connecticut Department of Labor customers needing to file for Unemployment Insurance (UI), new or continued unemployment claims, or for any question related to Unemployment or a customer’s benefits.